Recent Client Awards
17 year old hit by vehicle as she runs across Old Country Road in Mineola in the dark-her attorney Michael J. Brown uses all his efforts to secure $1,100,000.00 for his teenage client
27 Year Old Mother falls in McDonald’s parking lot-Michael J. Brown, Esq. recovers $225,000.00 in settlement.
Client’s vehicle hit in rear by United States Postal truck-Michael J. Brown files lawsuit in Federal Court and is able to settle matter for $90,000.00
48 year old woman living in New York City Housing Authority building in Brooklyn is injured in robbery attempt-assailants never apprehended by the NYC Police Department-her attorney Michael J. Brown, Esq. is able to secure $134,000.00 after extensive negotiations with the New York City Housing Authority
86 year old grandmother hit by New York City Sanitation Truck- Michael J. Brown, Esq. files lawsuit against City of New York and quickly resolves matter for $400,000.00
52 year old retired NYC corrections officer injured in motor vehicle accident-his attorney Michael J. Brown, Esq. is able to resolve the matter for the sum of $250,000.00
43 year old man loading piping onto friend’s truck hit in foot by beam-Michael J. Brown, Esq. reaches agreement with Defendant wherein client recovers $75,000.00
58 year old woman slips in Atlantic City casino on water-Michael J. Brown, Esq. takes on the corporate Defendant and gets a $58,000.00 award for his client after arbitration hearing
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